Sunday 20 January 2013

Stressed out!

This week has been a very busy week. Actually, the past three weeks have been very busy for me. I had my exam week last week and I've been studying for that the last three weeks. I'm glad it is finally over (except for two tests that I still have to make next week), because I really hated this week, like really... hated... this week. Monday was okay. I had my German test and it went well. Tuesday sucked, to be honest. It was heavily snowing in our country (it still is) and my school decided to give us a day of because of the snow.

UNFORTUNATELY, they came up with that idea when I already was in school. They said that "they couldn't have known that it would snow". It is seriously the worst excuse I've heard this month, because the weather forecast announced it for more than a week before it happened.

Anyway, it is finally over and I finally feel relaxed. This month was just so exhausting.

I also bought a new computer, I probably have told you already about this. Unfortunately, it didn't work and I had to wait for a few days, and another few days, and more and more and more days. Until today, I'm still waiting for things that can fix my computer. Maybe tomorrow it will be fixed, but I don't think so. There's probably something that will ruin it again.

I'm sorry about the whining. Some good news! I'm going to dye my hair again (wow, shocker) and I'm also kind of getting a new haircut (without having my hair cut). This is what I'm going to try:

I've tried something already and it looks like it's going to work. I'm going to dye my hair the same colours as I got it dyed now, this Saturday. This week, I'll be washing my hair every day with warm water and normal shampoo to let my blue fade out. I hope it'll work out well C:

Also, I'm going to dye my hair pink with black under layer this summer. The girl in the picture is Leda, she's a famous Youtuber and she's such an inspiration for me, on the hair dying part. Also, she's a very good vlogger and I can really learn some things from her, before I start vlogging myself :)

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