Saturday, 1 December 2012

It has again been proved that I can't trust anyone

Every time I think I should give someone a change, because I think they can be trusted, they prove me wrong. It happens every damn time. Every time I think someone is trustworthy, they show me that I should not have been such a fool. People are trustworthy, no one is. Not your friend, not your best friend... not even your own family.

I guess they didn't meant to betray my trust in them, but they sure did it, again. But it becomes harder and harder every time to trust someone.

I'm not even sure if it's safe to post this message.

1 comment:

  1. Keep on trusting people, everybody fails at times and some people do so a lot more often than others. Sometimes for reasons they don't even understand themselves.

    Trust yourself and your intuition too, even though you make mistakes you can learn from them. ;-)

    Keep well...
