Sunday, 29 April 2012

Written by one who is desperate for some sleep right now.

After a period of feeling like shit and hating life for like two months, I finally feel like things in life are getting better and better. Things changed, people changed, and I changed as well. I used to live in my own tiny world, where I had some of my friends and my family, and everything was fine (as 'fine' as my life has been for the past two years; with ups and downs).

A problem is, that I really don't like big changes in my life. I liked my life the way it was, and it didn't need anything different. But of course, I was enjoying living too much, for too long, and since my ex boyfriend broke up with me, that is where this roller coaster of emotions began.

First I thought that my ex really didn't want to have any kind of social interaction with me. And that pretty sucked, because you know, he means very much to me, and if someone just like stops talking to you, it's obvious that you feel like shit. But I'm happy that this is no longer applicable. We're fine together/not together now, and I totally can live my life again as happy as I used to be.

Last weekend was really exhausting. Awesome, but exhausting. After not sleeping for a whole night, I felt sick the whole day. All I wanted was simply to got to sleep. But I wasn't just able to go to bed and sleep for the entire day.

And this weekend was even better! I went to my friends house to hang out with him and a few other people. When I got there, people were playing Mortal Kombat on a Xbox so it all started well. I had lots of laughs with lots of friends and also consumed a big amount of alcohol. I can't really remember the exact moment that I went from completely sober into tipsy, and I absolutely don't remember drinking so much alcohol to actually get drunk. But it happened. And I had fun, so much fun.

First, I was chilling inside, watching other people gaming on the Xbox. As soon as I noticed that two of my friends I love to hang out with were chilling outside, I went outside as well. Later that evening, me and these two friends went to some snack bar to buy some fries, and I remember having so much fun. We were laughing all the time, we met a classmate, and got a shot of vodka for free.

As soon as we got back, I don't know how much later, another friend of me was sitting in the garden and threw up everything he ate that night, right in the middle of the garden. I just knew that this was going to happen, because for him, it always ends like this. I also heard that he had been fighting with his friend and that they were throwing beer at each other. At some point, he was laying on the ground next to the couch, like he passed out. I didn't bother to do anything to kind of 'solve' his problem.

There was one friend, that I have absolutely the maximum amount of respect for, who took care of the problems. He cleaned up the vomit in the garden, brought the puking kid home, and eventually also took care of me, and cycled all the way home with me as well. I really have to say thanks to him, because I don't know what would have happened if he didn't do all these things.

I am actually very embarrassed with how I acted that night, but I really enjoyed everything. I got home at like half past one, after we dropped my friend of at her house. And I managed to hold a rather serious conversation for one hour, I think. It was amazing. She's amazing and she knows it.

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