Sunday, 20 January 2013

Stressed out!

This week has been a very busy week. Actually, the past three weeks have been very busy for me. I had my exam week last week and I've been studying for that the last three weeks. I'm glad it is finally over (except for two tests that I still have to make next week), because I really hated this week, like really... hated... this week. Monday was okay. I had my German test and it went well. Tuesday sucked, to be honest. It was heavily snowing in our country (it still is) and my school decided to give us a day of because of the snow.

UNFORTUNATELY, they came up with that idea when I already was in school. They said that "they couldn't have known that it would snow". It is seriously the worst excuse I've heard this month, because the weather forecast announced it for more than a week before it happened.

Anyway, it is finally over and I finally feel relaxed. This month was just so exhausting.

I also bought a new computer, I probably have told you already about this. Unfortunately, it didn't work and I had to wait for a few days, and another few days, and more and more and more days. Until today, I'm still waiting for things that can fix my computer. Maybe tomorrow it will be fixed, but I don't think so. There's probably something that will ruin it again.

I'm sorry about the whining. Some good news! I'm going to dye my hair again (wow, shocker) and I'm also kind of getting a new haircut (without having my hair cut). This is what I'm going to try:

I've tried something already and it looks like it's going to work. I'm going to dye my hair the same colours as I got it dyed now, this Saturday. This week, I'll be washing my hair every day with warm water and normal shampoo to let my blue fade out. I hope it'll work out well C:

Also, I'm going to dye my hair pink with black under layer this summer. The girl in the picture is Leda, she's a famous Youtuber and she's such an inspiration for me, on the hair dying part. Also, she's a very good vlogger and I can really learn some things from her, before I start vlogging myself :)

Saturday, 12 January 2013

It's unbelievable

It's unbelievable, it really is. Everything that CAN go wrong, GOES wrong. Everything. Really, everything. You won't believe me if I tell you every thing separately, so I don't. At some point I thought it would stop, you know, everything being ruined, but somehow, it's still going on. I wonder when it will stop. I'm not going to hope for anything, because that might be one of the reasons everything is ruined.

Who or whatever goes about all the fucking up things, please stop now, it's enough. I've learned the lesson. You hate me, I know now. You don't need to prove it any more. 

Oh, one footnote, it went wrong again.  

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Hello 2013!

Since 2012 has come to an end, I think I should write a message to summarize everything that happened in this year that, somehow, is related to me. A lot of things happened this year, a lot things that also changed not only me, but also a lot people around me. Some people entered my life, some had to leave. It's a pity that you cannot take all the people with you into the new year, but that is just how life goes.

I remember that I started this year in not such a good way. I was very stressed that time of the year, because my relationship was nearing its end. I've been very worried about that since December 2011 and at the end of February, it, finally, was over. If I look back at it, I am actually very happy that it's over. He wasn't a good guy for me. He used to be, when he was younger, when he didn't blow, smoke, drank that much. I don't know how it happened, but he changed. He changed dramatically. We used to be good friends for a few months after we broke up, but we started to fight a lot, verbal, but also physically. He has kicked me a few time so hard that I fell on the ground and couldn't walk home properly any more. I know that sounds like I am exaggerating this, but I am not.
Around July, it really went wrong somewhere. I can't say anything without him being angry at me, because I say "dumb" or "stupid" things, or that all I say consist of whining and that I am annoying and that all my friends talk about me behind my back (unfortunately, this one seemed to be true). So, as you can see, this wasn't a very nice period of 2012.

What actually was a nice week in 2012 was the time I went to London with my school for five days. It was super and I enjoyed it very much! I was with some friends of mine and I slept on the same room with one of my best friends Nikki. I really loved being there. We went to some museums and the highlight of the week was the theatre show of the Woman in Black. I made a lot (good looking) pictures from my trip to London. I'm looking forward to going there again in May this year with my father. He promised me that if I would graduate with high notes, he would take me to London for a weekend!
If you're interested in my posts about London, check out my posts about SundayMonday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday!

This year, I also went to Italy with my dad and the family and I went to Crete again with my mum and the family. I really enjoyed Italy, even though I only went there for one week. The beach was great (apart from the huge amount of wind blowing there) and I even went into the sea (!) one time, practically because my dad pull me in.
The holiday in Crete was was great as well, as usual. There's not much to say about it, despite the fact that the restaurant where we always went (and still go) to eat wasn't the same any more. The crisis seems to hit them hard and I think it's a pity that Jiannis, the owner wasn't around as much as he used to. Hopefully, the restaurant will still be there this year, because there's a good chance that it will declared bankrupt. Let's just hope it won't.

I also started my new and FINAL year on high school and I cannot wait for it any longer to end. If I continue working and studying like this, I could pass my finals with good notes (London, here I come again :D) and I will finally be able to leave this horrible school and finally start doing things that I like and going where my heart tells me.

These are the highlights from 2012. I think I can do better in 2013 and therefore I made list of resolutions of 2013. I wanted to make fifty of them, but I only got to twenty-three yet. These are them:

  1. Getting good grades at school and graduate with great notes
  2. Going to London with my dad, making lots of pictures there
  3. Start my new education
  4. Do more blogging (once a week at least)
  5. Dye my hair turquoise with blue dip dye
  6. Let my hair grow
  7. More nightlife (at least once every two months)
  8. No smoking or binge drinking
  9. Eat space cake with friends
  10. Buy a new computer
  11. Start a YouTube account with Raya and start making vlogs and gaming videos
  12. No further contact with Mike, only if necessary
  13. Eat healthy, exercise, etc (like yoga at home and stretching excercises)
  14. Playing more vidya
  15. Less publicly whining
  16. Do more English (blogging, reading, talking, videos, tweeting)
  17. Don’t do anything that I will regret later
  18. Don’t regret anything that once made me smile
  19. Start saving up money for my driving license lessons
  20. Don’t do things that people want from me that I do not agree with
  21. Think more positively
  22. Laugh more
  23. Finish my Greek course
I started working on this list already, as of now, I'm blogging, yeah! I studied today, I didn't get a new haircut today, I went out last night (!) and I made a YouTube account in preparation for the gaming project. 

Tonight I'm going out with family to see a film. It is a really good film, I heard. It's a Dutch film, so that ensures an evening full of laughter (that's also on my list!). I got no more plans for this week, except for studying a lot!